The Cursed Poets V – Jules Laforgue

22 Dec

Jules Laforgue was a Symbolist poet born in Uruguay on the 16 of August 1860 and who died in Paris on the 20 of August 1887.

Laforgue was born in Uruguay where his father worked as a teacher and a bank employee.  In 1866 the family moved back to France, where Laforgue began his studies.  In 1876, the family moved to Paris, where Laforgue began to read the great French authors and visit the museums of Paris.

In 1880, Laforgue published his first book of poems and began to be noticed by French literary circles.  In 1881, Laforgue took many activities in his hands.  He wrote a novel, Stephane Vassiliew, and prepared a book of poems which he later abandoned, The Tears of The Earth, although some of the poems appeared later in a book called Les Complaintes.

From 1881 to 1886 he lived in Berlin where he wrote, in 1885, his masterpiece, L’Imitation de Notre Dame a la Lune.

In 1886, after returning to France, he met and and married Leah Lee, an Englishwoman.  Laforgue died the next year of tuberculosis, his wife followed him a year later.

By Hidalgo Socorro

One Response to “The Cursed Poets V – Jules Laforgue”

  1. connetta 22/12/2010 at 11:22 pm #

    Sometimes i think all poets are cursed. I know writing follows one around and won’t leave a soul be untill they write it down..haunting in a way.

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